Tuesday, January 07, 2014

The First day of becoming a Mom

Anticipation was rife, the wait seemed endless and the eagerness to welcome a new member overwhelming.  My parents had come visiting waiting to welcome the new member.  One fine evening of July 14, several prayers were said and invocations made to the Lord hoping that the baby inside heard them. Well, it is almost as if she heard the chants and decided to come out to listen to them better!  After nine months of waiting, I finally went into labor that night. A few painful hours that actually went by pretty quickly, on July 15, 2013 she came out, a tiny white bundle of plenty of joy!

With boys and more boys in the family, everyone heaved a sigh of relief as ‘It’s a girl!’ was announced. Finally, the dreams of buying frilly frocks, jewelry, dainty accessories and dolls were going to come true. 
My first glimpse of her was a tiny pair of legs disappearing as the nurses took her away after she was out.  A few minutes later, a white wrapped bundle with eyes that didn’t want to open to the bright new world outside, was finally handed for everyone to peer at.  Tiny eyes, a tiny nose, tiny lips. Tiny had a new definition!

Well, it was then time to rest and recover from those nine months. Yeah and I didn’t know the importance of rest till the next three months happened!

I am going to try and not make this a solely baby blog, but I presume my current obsession with the baby might make me do just that!  Till then, bear with me.

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